The Cabañeros destination is located in the center of the Iberian Peninsula between the provinces of Ciudad Real and Toledo, within the Montes de Toledo and includes the municipalities that form the Area of Socioeconomic Influence of the National Park and those integrated as a territory of the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism. It is an area with a high environmental value, starring the Cabañeros National Park with unique natural and cultural heritage resources: geology, flora, fauna, hydrology, sky or shepherds' huts and artistic works.

Starlight Tourist Destination

Cabañeros National Park

Area of Socioeconomic Influence and Territory European Charter for Sustainable Tourism

The territories included in the Cabañeros Starlight destination are: Alcoba, El Robledo, Hontanar, Horcajo de los Montes, Navahermosa, Los Navalucillos, Navas de Estena, Retuerta del Bullaque, Santa Quiteria, Pueblonuevo del Bullaque and Cabañeros National Park.

In its landscape of "rañas" - plains - and open forest live large mammals and more than a thousand plant species. One of the park's attractions is the rutting season, the biological cycle of deer mating, which for weeks can be heard and observed at different times of the day, with its piercing and striking bellows. In addition, the park has a great botanical value, with different bioclimatic floors that make up unique ecosystems. Among them are:

  • Cabañeros National Park, with more than 40,000 ha of protected territory, 16 itineraries for public use and 3 Visitor Centers.
  • Natura 2000 Network (European regulations):
    • Special Area of Conservation (SAC) Montes de Toledo.
    • Special Protection Area for Birds (SPA) Montes de Toledo.
  • Network of Protected Natural Spaces of Castilla La Mancha:
    • Critical Area for 3 species (Iberian Imperial Eagle, Black Stork and Black Vulture).
  • Geosites "Cambrian and Ordovician of the Cabañeros National Park" and "Navas de Estena Valley".
  • Natural fluvial reserve of the Estena, Estenilla and Estomiza Rivers.
  • Property of Cultural Interest: Abraham Tower (not open to visitors).
  • European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Natural Areas (CETS) since 2009.
  • Tourism Sustainability Plan in Cabañeros National Park since 2021.
  • Works by the artist Arcadi Blasco
    • Ceramic mural facade of the Parish of San Francisco de Asís in Pueblonuevo del Bullaque.
    • Espadaña and Baptistery of the Parish Church of Santa Quiteria
  • Recreation of huts or cabins of the charcoal burners that give name to the destination Cabañeros located in the Visitor Center Casa Palillos, Information Point of Alcoba, Raña inside the Cabañeros National Park only accessible with guided tours.
Images David Blazquez


After securing status as a “Starlight Tourist Destination” for the Serranía de Cuenca Astronomy Park, a key part of the certification involves scheduling and carrying out astronomical activities. This section will ensure you stay up to date with the latest news.

Starlight Tourist Destinations 2023. Castilla-La Mancha Tourism